Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In my younger elementary classes we have been making painted papers like Eric Carle.  I showed them a video of Eric Carle making his papers and then we used different objects to decorate our own construction paper.  The second day I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, then we cut four ovals out of the painted construction paper to make the body of our caterpillar.  Then we glued it on card stock  and added details and background with markers.  Didn't they come out so cute?

p.s. The boy in the first picture with the huge smile is one of my favorite students.  He is always so happy and thinks everything is so exciting and fun.  He is just adorable and I think he did a great job on his caterpillar!  Oh, and the first caterpillar is my example... I think it came out pretty cute :)


  1. cute! I love how they came out! :)

  2. You should send them to the Hungry Catepillar Author!
