Sunday, June 17, 2012


(Sorry these pics are in a bit of a random order...)
Getting Ready For School: 

1. My feet were black after a day of cleaning my classroom.  Oh, by the way, 
entering a classroom is like entering a house so you always take your 
shoes off at the door.  So I get to teach barefoot!

2. Iced Thai Tea (my new favorite drink!).  It is bright orange and 
comes in a bag and is only 30 cents

3. My first assignment: making a welcome sign with the first week of school schedule on it

4. Working on year lesson plans!!  

First Two Days of School:

1. My beautiful poster of my classroom rules

2. A Pictionary game I played with my elementary students.  I would draw an art material and 
they would have to guess what it was.  Those are some of the materials they have to bring in.

3. A game I played with my high schoolers.  They got in pairs and had five minutes to think of any word that related to art.  The group that thought of the most words won.  Then they all wrote their words on the board and we categorized them (Elements of Art, Art Materials, Artists, etc.)

4.  Self-portraits done by second graders (a last minute fill-in project!)

The Sunday Before Classes Started:
1. Riding a tuktuk home from Big C where I got a ton of school supplies
2. My friend Lauren and I in the tuktuk 
3. Jordan, Sarah, and Steve at Steve's Birthday Thai cookout
4. Thai-style cookout

Roomie Date:
1. My roommates, Sarah and Julie
2.  The big mall we went to for dinner (it has an indoor fake garden with water)
3. Sarah and Julie
4. The street the mall was on
5. The Mall

Some random pics:
1. A bunch of teachers gathered to play Jungle ball (basically like volley ball but played with a 
huge yoga ball)... with a few altered rules... very hot, sweaty and dirty but fun!
2. (right pic) Andi and Lauren already dirty from Jungle ball
3. My friend Dev and her meal cooking on our table at the Japanese restaurant we all went to
4. Part of my meal... stir fried chicken and veggies (after eating lots of sushi!)

Some more random pics:

1. My meal yesterday (Saturday) while lesson planning.  So good to have some watermelon and a ham and cheese sandwich!

2.  Mango with sticky rice and coconut milk.  This dessert was good but really sweet and rich!  The rice is purple from a flower that doesn't change the taste but just changes the color.  

3.  A really large centipede/millipede/wormy thing

4. Note to self: Don't sit outside at night just to get internet or you will get eaten alive!  And by the way, I finally have internet in my apartment! YAY!

5.  Three of my closest friends here: Chrissy, Lauren, and Sarah with their fruit smoothies in a bag from P Nee's.

My Art Classroom:
1. The view from the back (and entrance)
2. Another view
3. A panoramic view
(still have some work to do on my classroom to decorate and organize but it's much better 
than when I first came!  It also has tons of windows which is nice but the windows
on the left lead to the cafeteria which can be really distracting for the kids.  I need
to put some artwork up so they can't see through!)


  1. ok, I totally posted a comment on the above post before I read this....SORRY! :) Yay, you DID post pictures of your art room! And some projects! Hurray! I love seeing glimpses of your life...keep them coming!

  2. I absolutely love that I can get a peek into your life abroad Bekah :) I love you and I am praying that you continue to find joy and blessings in the place God has placed you!

  3. Imagine if those dirty feet came into our house. You would be crawling to the tub.
