Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Party!

With many of the female teachers here being Pinterest fans (me included), we've been seeing tons of recipe's posted for fall food.  Pumpkin this, apple that... it was just too much for us to sit around and not partake in.  Even though it still feels like summer weather, we decided we needed to turn up the AC, put on some warm comfy clothes and get together to eat scrumptious fall foods and celebrate this new season (even if the air isn't cool and crisp and the leaves outside aren't red and orange).  As fall is my favorite season (and one I am missing very much right now) I thoroughly enjoyed this get together.  It was hosted in an apartment a few doors down and they did such a beautiful job making it look like fall - candles, red, orange and yellow leaves hanging, mini pumpkins, and many other decorations helped it to really feel like fall.  We had tons of pumpkin breads/muffins, my roommate and I brought apple crisp, there was a caramel apple bar (where you dipped your apple in caramel and then dipped it in bowls of chocolate chips, nuts, m&m's or whatever), popcorn, and there was wassail (like hot apple cider) and chai. Mmmm, so good!  We ate and talked and ended the night watching a fall-ish movie, Remember the Titans.  It was a wonderful night!

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