This song has been repeatedly playing on my computer the past couple of months.
He's Always Been Faithful to Me - by Sara Groves
"This is my anthem, this is my song, the theme of the stories I've heard for so long. God has been faithful, He will be again, His loving compassion, it knows no end. All I have need of, His hand will provide. He's always been faithful to me."
God's faithfulness truly has been my anthem, my song, all my life, but especially these last two and a half years in Thailand. He has provided every single thing I have needed and has especially given me Himself, which has been the greatest gift of all. He is all we need and He is faithful to provide in every moment of our lives.
Today in church we sang the old song, "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" and the line that rang most true for me was, "How I've proved Him o'er and o'er." How many times His faithfulness, His trustworthiness, has been proved in my life!